Sometimes people don’t know where to turn when they have a problem. They may just need some guidence which will point them in the right direction. Often people need general advice to help them to make a decision. If you have a problem, and you think that you may need a solicitor please feel free to give us a call discuss the matter with us. We might be able to help you over the phone or we might suggest that you call in to see us to give us better instructions. If you do decide to call or email us you need to have as much information as possible so that we understand your difficulties. We can also deal with queries by email.
We suggest you to read through our web-site to familiarise yourself with our firm and what we can offer and if you wish give us a call or send us an email outlining your query.
Our Contact Details are here
It could well be that if pointed in the right direction you will not need to formally instruct a solicitor at all.
If you do need a solicitor we will talk you through the steps and process involved in a clear manner.